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QIO News Posts

Celebrating Healthcare Quality Professionals in October

Celebrating Healthcare Quality Professionals in October

Amid the global pandemic, quality has taken center stage and more healthcare professionals are being called upon to do this critical work. The profession of healthcare quality has arrived at the intersection where preparation meets opportunity and healthcare has taken...

Findhelp: Connecting People and Programs

Findhelp: Connecting People and Programs

For most people, navigating the system to get help is often difficult, time consuming, and frustrating. Findhelp is a social care network that connects people and programs — making it easy to find local, county, state and national services and programs that are...

Welcome to Our Team I Alissa Wood

Welcome to Our Team I Alissa Wood

We are excited to introduce our newest Great Plains QIN team member; Alissa Wood, BSN, RN. Alissa brings many years of  experience to our quality improvement team. Her unique skills and experiences will support all areas of our work. We welcome Alissa and are...

Fall Into Healthy Habits: Deciding to Take ACTION

Fall Into Healthy Habits: Deciding to Take ACTION

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on our lives. For some, it is delayed medical care, isolation from friends and family, increased demands at work and home and so much more. We know we need to take care of ourselves to feel and be our best so that we can be the...

National Council for Mental Wellbeing: CLAS Standards Series

National Council for Mental Wellbeing: CLAS Standards Series

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) National Standards guide health care providers in tailoring their services so they are responsive to the health beliefs, practices and needs of diverse individuals and communities. Using the CLAS framework can...

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