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COVID-19 Vaccination Tools for Long-Term Care Facilities

COVID-19 Vaccination Tools for Long-Term Care Facilities

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, staff in nursing homes have been providing ongoing care to our nation’s most vulnerable. It’s on trusted messengers like you to make sure we’re reaching people who need to be protected from the COVID-19 virus. Building vaccine...

Pioneering Spirit Advances Community Pharmacy Networks

Pioneering Spirit Advances Community Pharmacy Networks

          A visit to the pharmacy is a common and frequent occurrence for individuals managing any acute or chronic health care condition. Pharmacists continue to expand their services and expertise beyond medication dispensing to include...

AHRQ’s Four Moments of Antibiotic Decision Making Framework

AHRQ’s Four Moments of Antibiotic Decision Making Framework

Before initiating use of antibiotics, it is important to pause and review all relevant clinical and laboratory data and then weigh the potential benefit versus harm of initiating antibiotic therapy. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ’s) Four...

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