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3 New Q-Tips For Your Ears Podcast Episodes | Listen Today

3 New Q-Tips For Your Ears Podcast Episodes | Listen Today

Looking for health care information and quality resources? We added a few more episodes to our new podcast series: Q-Tips For Your Ears. This podcast is designed for everyone – healthcare professionals, patients and family members; sharing basic healthcare information...

Get Connected. Join a Great Plains QIN Listserv

Get Connected. Join a Great Plains QIN Listserv

Great Plains Quality Innovation Network offers two listservs to get connected; two-way communication channels for members to ask questions, share resources and educational opportunities. Join today. Community Listserv If you are interested in healthcare, are a care...

White House Challenge to Save Lives from Overdose

White House Challenge to Save Lives from Overdose

An overdose can happen anywhere, to anyone. That’s why the Biden-Harris Administration has made historic investments and taken historic action to expand access to opioid overdose reversal medications. But we need stakeholders in every community across the country to...

Stop Sepsis | Sepsis Toolkit For Skilled Nursing & Long-Term Care

Stop Sepsis | Sepsis Toolkit For Skilled Nursing & Long-Term Care

Sepsis remains the #1 diagnosis for admissions and readmissions and is the #1 facility-acquired infection related to hospitalization in North Dakota and South Dakota.  Understanding the early signs or the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is vital for all...

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