sick patient

Sepsis remains the #1 diagnosis for admissions and readmissions and is the #1 facility-acquired infection related to hospitalization in North Dakota and South Dakota. 

Understanding the early signs or the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is vital for all staff (not just clinical staff) and families of the residents at the nursing home to understand these subtle signs.

The Sepsis Toolkit for Skilled Nursing and LTC is excellent for your training needs as well as other needed tools within the toolkit.sepsis toolkit

Sepsis Toolkit Highlights:

  • Staff Education for Nurses and CNAs
  • Sepsis Screening Flowchart
  • Sepsis Screening Tool
  • Sepsis Nursing Protocol (begin before needing to be transferred)
  • Sepsis Handouts and Posters

Taking this screening for sepsis tool and using for all residents who have a suspected or diagnosed infection can be a game-changer. Assessing the residents with a suspected or already diagnosed infection frequently for SIRS and sepsis is so important to reduce ED visits, hospitalizations, and mortality.

The Great Plains QIN team has developed the STOP and TELL Tool. If a resident shows any of the signs illustrated, a clinical staff person is to be notified immediately. This is the first step in an early intervention for a person with sepsis. It’s important to look for a combination of the sepsis warning signs. Spotting these symptoms early could prevent the body from entering septic shock and could save a life.

Additional Resources:

Q Tips For Your Ears Podcast Logo

Listen To our Podcast: Q-Tips For Your Ears!

TIME is Sepsis, Have You Heard: Sepsis is a medical emergency as important to understand as stroke and heart attack. Learn the symptoms and what you should say to your healthcare provider when you suspect sepsis.

Focus 4 Health | May 2023: Up Your Protection From Infections

Week One: Sepsis I Recording
Week Two: Pneumonia and Oral Care I Recording
Week Three: UTI’s I Recording
Week Four: Wound Infections I Recording