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Identifying Higher-Volume Antibiotic Outpatient Prescribers Using Publicly Available Data

Identifying Higher-Volume Antibiotic Outpatient Prescribers Using Publicly Available Data

Peer comparison audit and feedback could result in greater antibiotic prescribing improvements Antibiotic prescribing can result in side effects and contribute to antibiotic resistance, an urgent public health threat. In a recently released MMWR article, Identifying...

Self-Measured Blood Pressure Program Expands at Faulkton Area Medical Center 

Self-Measured Blood Pressure Program Expands at Faulkton Area Medical Center 

Blood pressure levels can change from one moment to the next, depending on both physical activity and emotional state. Monitoring blood pressure consistently and accurately is a challenge and a key element to diagnose and treat hypertension. Proper treatment of high...

Nearly 18.2 Million Adults (Over the Age of 20) Have Heart Disease

Nearly 18.2 Million Adults (Over the Age of 20) Have Heart Disease

According to Heart Disease Facts from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, about 18.2 million adults, over the age of 20, have heart disease, which is also the leading cause of death for all Americans, accounting for about 659,000 deaths every year.¹ In...

Great Plains QIN Webinar: Putting Infection Prevention into Everyday Practice | February 22, 2022

Great Plains QIN Webinar: Putting Infection Prevention into Everyday Practice | February 22, 2022

February 22, 2022 | 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. CT To stop the spread of infections, everyone working in a healthcare facility needs to have a foundational knowledge of infection prevention and must be ready to implement basic measures throughout their workday and at home. In...

American Heart Month | Resources for Health Care Professionals

American Heart Month | Resources for Health Care Professionals

February is American Heart Month. As a health care professional or clinician, you are very aware of the dangers of hypertension. It can increase an individual's risk for heart disease and stroke and negatively affect other health outcomes. This toolkit, developed by...