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South Dakota and North Dakota Nursing Homes: Top Performers for Resident COVID-19 Vaccination Rates
COVID-19 cases are rising across the country as health officials prepare for another winter season of fighting respiratory diseases. Kudos to nursing homes in South Dakota and North Dakota for having the highest and second highest rate, respectively, of COVID-19...

New Project Firstline Micro-Learn Training
Clostridioides difficile is formerly known as Clostridium difficile - and often called C. difficile or C. diff. - is a germ (bacterium) that causes diarrhea and colitis (an inflammation of the colon). Most cases of C. diff infection occur while an individual has taken...

Updated Q2 2023 Community Data Reports: Addressing Gaps, Achieving Growth and Quality Improvement
The Great Plains QIN team strives to improve healthcare quality and patient outcomes. We work with partners and community coalitions to identify areas for improvement, which include reducing avoidable hospital admissions and readmissions, including those caused by...

CMS Training for Frontline Nursing Home Staff and Management | Test-Out Option
Reminder for nursing home team members: CMS online training series: CMS Targeted COVID-19 Training for Frontline Nursing Home Staff and Management (also referred to as the CMS Designated Scenario-Based Training [SBT] or CMS Quality, Safety and Education Portal [QSEP]...

Promoting Flu Vaccines In Your Community
A recent CDC State of Vaccine Confidence Insights Report focusing on rural America highlighted the ongoing concerns about vaccine safety that may impact vaccine confidence and demand. This holiday season, help keep your community safe by providing information and...

Chronic Disease Management Resources and Tools
The Great Plains Quality Innovation Network helps providers with the prevention and management of chronic diseases by preventing cardiovascular events, promoting tobacco cessation, improving the management of diabetes to decrease complications and identifying...

Emergency Preparedness: Are you Ready??
Natural disasters, like floods, storms, and earthquakes, can strike at any time without warning and disrupt our normal lives. Being prepared can help protect your organization, those you care for and your community during an emergency. The Centers for Medicare &...

Preventing Respiratory Infections in Nursing Facilities
Pneumonia is the second most common cause of infection in nursing facilities. A seasonal increase in pneumonia occurs due to influenza and unfortunately, many nursing home residents do not survive. The most common pneumonia pathogens in the nursing facility are...

Great Plains QIN LAN Event: Advance Care Planning – What’s New | December 5, 2023
Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that involves making decisions about your future health care. It typically involves discussions between individuals, their families and their healthcare providers to understand and document a person's values, preferences and...

Solutions to Isolation and Loneliness – In Case You Missed It: Access the Recording
The need for solutions to social isolation and loneliness has never been greater. An organization that values social connectedness, inclusion and a growth mindset will allow their community and staff to thrive in skills of emotional intelligence, empathy,...