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Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that involves making decisions about your future health care. It typically involves discussions between individuals, their families and their healthcare providers to understand and document a person’s values, preferences and goals for medical treatment, especially in situations where the individual may not be able to communicate or make decisions due to illness or incapacitation. What’s new in advance care planning? View this Webinar to find out.

As a result of attending, attendees will be better prepared to:

  1. Describe how serious illness messaging affects advance care planning
  2. Identify three advantages to advance care planning
  3. Define two elements of an advance directive/healthcare directive


Nancy Joyner HeadshotNancy Joyner, MS, CNS-BC, APRN, ACHPN
Honoring Choices North Dakota
Instructor – ACP Facilitator Training
POLST Trainer
ND POLST Coordinator
702 Belmont Road
Grand Forks, ND 58201

Honoring Choices North Dakota

Key components of advance care planning may include:

  1. Advance Directives: Legal documents that specify what medical treatments an individual would like to receive or not receive in the event that they are unable to communicate their wishes. Common advance directives include living wills and durable power of attorney for health care.
  2. Healthcare Proxy or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care: Designates a trusted person (often a family member or friend) to make medical decisions on behalf of the individual if they are unable to do so.
  3. Living Will: Outlines specific medical treatments or interventions a person would like to receive or avoid under certain circumstances.
  4. Discussion of Values and Goals: Involves conversations with healthcare providers and family members to discuss personal values, beliefs, and goals for care. This helps ensure that medical decisions align with the individual’s wishes.
  5. Documentation in Medical Records: The outcomes of advance care planning discussions are often documented in a person’s medical records so that healthcare providers are aware of and can respect the individual’s preferences during times of critical illness.

Advance care planning is not only for individuals with serious or terminal illnesses, but is relevant for anyone who wants to have a say in their healthcare, particularly during times when they may not be able to communicate their preferences. It’s a proactive approach to ensure that medical care aligns with personal values and desires, promoting patient autonomy and dignity