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Physicians, Nurses and Allied Professionals & Rural Health Open Door Forums | January 24 & February 29, 2024
Mark your Calendars: CMS Physicians, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Office Open Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, January 24, 2024. The Rural Health Open Door Forum has been rescheduled; will now be held on Thursday, February 29, 2024. Mark your calendars.....

Webinar: Vaccination Perceptions and Behaviors Among Older Adults in North Dakota | January 23, 2024
Join the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Department of Public Health for the webinar, Vaccination Perceptions and Behaviors Among Older Adults in North Dakota. Everyone is welcome to attend! This Webinar is part of the NDSU Public Health Seminar Series. Tuesday,...

Great Plains QIN Webinar: Building Bridges and Enhancing Care Together: Leveraging Partnerships for Improved Services to Native American Patients | January 23, 2024
This presentation will explore the unique aspects of healthcare delivery for patients receiving care through Indian Health Service and Tribal Healthcare organizations, including federal policy, referral mechanisms and reimbursement structures as well as legal and...

Coverage to Care | Connecting Your Patients To Providers and Preventive Services
In the United States, 16.3 million people signed up for coverage in the 2023 Open Enrollment, allowing them to gain or renew access to the health coverage they need¹. Enrolling in a health plan, however, is only the initial step. To help you go from coverage to care,...

New Process for Requesting NHSN Help Desk Support
Hospitals, long-term care facilities and various other healthcare settings across the nation use the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) for submitting various data related to infection surveillance and control. Some of the data reported and submitted are...

New Year’s Resolutions for 2024 – Be Sure to Include Better Brain Health!
Alzheimer’s disease is expected to impact nearly 13 million Americans by 2050, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. So, as you are working at those New Year’s resolutions in 2024, consider there are steps you can take yourself to maintain and improve your...

Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab Program Update
Starting from January 1, 2024, certain non-physician practitioners (NPs, PAs, CNS) have been granted the authority to provide direct supervision for cardiac rehabilitation, intensive cardiac rehabilitation, and pulmonary rehabilitation services. Moreover, during the...

Great Plains QIN Celebrates Ten Years in Business
We are excited to announce that we have crossed a milestone in the history of our organization. On January 7, Great Plains Quality Innovation Network will celebrate 10 years of doing business; currently serving as the Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement...

Rural Emergency Preparedness Toolkit: An Overview of Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery in Rural Communities
Thee Rural Emergency Preparedness and Response Toolkit compiles evidence-based and promising models and resources to support organizations implementing emergency planning, response and recovery efforts in rural communities across the United States. This toolkit...

Combatting Chronic Disease
Mirriam Webster’s defines chronic as continuing or occurring again and again for a long time. While that certainly “applies” to chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and Type 2 Diabetes - there are real opportunities to bring those diseases...