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Life’s Simple 7…Small Steps to Big Changes

Life’s Simple 7…Small Steps to Big Changes

  Stroke can happen to anyone at any time. Stroke is not just an older person’s disease. Risk factors for stroke, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes are happening at younger ages. Unfortunately, risk factors may not be recognized...

Quality Improvement Toolbox: Tools You Can Use

Quality Improvement Toolbox: Tools You Can Use

Performance improvement is best accomplished by using tried and true techniques. These include the 5 Whys, PDSA cycles, Cause and Effect diagrams, eliminating waste, and more. Looking for a template or a short refresher for your skills? The National Nursing Home...

High Blood Pressure Stakes:  One of Three Americans

High Blood Pressure Stakes:  One of Three Americans

  Personal and professional demands can change dramatically and impact levels of stress throughout the day, month and year.  As a result, blood pressure can become a moving target creating a challenge for proper diagnosis of hypertension. According to the...

Working the Mind and Body at Work

Working the Mind and Body at Work

The many demand s from deadlines, to-do lists and meetings of all kinds leave no time for an idle mind during an average workday. The  American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) third annual National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day held on Wednesday, May 2, encourages people to use...