In Case You Missed It: Vaccinations in Older Adults Webinar

In Case You Missed It: Vaccinations in Older Adults Webinar

As a healthcare provider, you play a crucial role in promoting and administering immunizations for older adults. Immunizations are essential in protecting older adults from preventable diseases and improving their overall health and quality of life. Catch up on the...
Q-Tips For Your Ears I Five New Episodes

Q-Tips For Your Ears I Five New Episodes

Looking for health care information and quality resources? We added a few more episodes to our podcast series: Q-Tips For Your Ears. This podcast is designed for everyone – healthcare professionals, patients and family members; sharing basic healthcare information on...
In Case You Missed It: Up Your Protection From Infections | Friday Focus 4 Health

In Case You Missed It: Up Your Protection From Infections | Friday Focus 4 Health

We recently concluded our May Friday Focus 4 Health Series: Up Your Protection From Infections. In case you were unable to attend and would like to access the recordings and training sessions, please visit the Friday Focus 4 Health Web page. According to the Centers...
Great Plains QIN New Tool: When To Call For Help

Great Plains QIN New Tool: When To Call For Help

Navigating the uncertainties of when to reach out for medical assistance can be a daunting challenge. The thin line between a minor concern and a potentially critical situation can leave somebody grappling with uncertainty, often unsure of when to call for help. The...
August is National Immunization Awareness Month

Online & In-The-Know – Immunization 101: What You Need to Know I April 18, 2023

During the next Online & In-The-Know, Immunize South Dakota president, Andrea Polkinghorn, will share a little bit of everything you need to know about immunizations. Polkinghorn will cover topics such as the history of vaccines, vaccine development, common...