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QIO News Posts

Recommendation to Reality for Chronic Disease Prevention

Recommendation to Reality for Chronic Disease Prevention

Changing eating and exercise habits are common lifestyle recommendations for improving health and preventing disease. Too often a health crisis or unexpected chronic disease diagnosis turns these recommendations into medical necessities. Implementing an effective...

Community Health Workers Impact Quality Improvement

Community Health Workers Impact Quality Improvement

Community Health Workers (CHWs) are critical for improving quality improvement initiatives because they provide insight into patient needs and the patient experience. As trusted members of the communities they work in, CHWs see firsthand the gaps that exist in health...

CMS COVID-19 Office Hours Calls [March – April 2021]

CMS COVID-19 Office Hours Calls [March – April 2021]

CMS hosts varied recurring stakeholder engagement sessions to share information related to the agency’s response to COVID-19. These sessions are open to members of the healthcare community and are intended to provide updates, share best practices among peers, and...

CMS Resources for the Emergency Preparedness (EP) Rule

CMS Resources for the Emergency Preparedness (EP) Rule

The pandemic has brought into even sharper focus the importance of updated emergency response plans. CMS has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and national resources to assist state survey agencies; state, tribal, regional and local emergency...

Patient Safety Awareness Week: Be informed. Be empowered.

Patient Safety Awareness Week: Be informed. Be empowered.

Patient Safety Awareness Week [March 14 - 20, 2021] is observed to acknowledge the need to improve care safety throughout the healthcare system and to celebrate efforts to improve care. Preventing harm in health care is a public health concern. Everyone interacts with...

GPQIN Vaccine-Related Resources & CDC COCA Call on Janssen Vaccine

GPQIN Vaccine-Related Resources & CDC COCA Call on Janssen Vaccine

Visit our new Web page - Vaccinations - for resources on vaccine confidence, handling and storage, billing and coding as well as educational opportunities. Our team is working to identify and showcase tools that will be of value to healthcare providers and community...

GPQIN Webinar: Aging and the Impact on Medication Use | March 16, 2021

GPQIN Medication Safety Learning and Action Series: Join Us

Medications can be lifesaving treatments that change the world. Unfortunately, if not used properly, medications can also lead to adverse events. In fact, Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) account for over 1 million emergency department visits a year and about 350,000...

AHRQ Chartbook on Patient Safety: A Summary of Trends

AHRQ Chartbook on Patient Safety: A Summary of Trends

This Patient Safety Chartbook is part of a family of documents and tools that support the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR). This report, prepared by AHRQ, presents trends for measures related to access to care, affordable care, care...

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