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QIO News Posts

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Toolkit

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Toolkit

Diabetes Self Management Education and Support (DSMES) has been shown to improve health outcomes. However, despite considerable evidence that DSMES services are cost-effective and have a positive impact on diabetes-related outcomes, utilization of DSMES services is...

Quality Measures: How They Are Developed, Used, & Maintained

Quality Measures: How They Are Developed, Used, & Maintained

Quality measures are powerful tools for advancing quality in the healthcare system. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) programs, including the Quality Innovation Network - Quality Improvement Organization program, implement a wide range of measures...

CDC Trainings: Weekly NHSN COVID-19 Vaccination Data Collection Forms

CDC Trainings: Weekly NHSN COVID-19 Vaccination Data Collection Forms

A CDC training webinar series has been scheduled in anticipation of recommendations for additional vaccine series, new data reporting categories and the monthly reporting plan. A review of how to complete questions #4 and #5 on reporting additional or booster doses of...

PRAPARE Tool: Tangible Benefits and Demonstrated Impact

PRAPARE Tool: Tangible Benefits and Demonstrated Impact

The unique community-based and integrated care model at Spectra Health in Grand Forks, ND, allows the care team to address behavioral, oral, and medical health as well as assistance with transportation and housing needs. The Protocol for Responding to and Assessing...

TytoCare™ Improving Patient Experience and Health Outcomes

TytoCare™ Improving Patient Experience and Health Outcomes

A health system and nursing home in Beulah, ND, use the TytoCare™ Medical Exam Kit to reduce exposure to COVID-19 while maintaining access to care. Concerned about the significant decline in routine and preventive care, Coal Country Community Health Center and Knife...

AHRQ Resources for Care Delivery

AHRQ Resources for Care Delivery

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supports improvements in care delivery through the development and dissemination of evidence-based tools and resources designed specifically to address challenges and opportunities in primary care settings. This online...

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