QIO News Posts

Developing an Antibiotic Stewardship Program for Long-Term Care Providers Training
Antibiotic Stewardship: The right antibiotic. The right dose. The right duration. The right time. Did you know? Up to 75% of antibiotics prescribed in nursing homes are considered inappropriate or unnecessary.¹ Antibiotic stewardship refers to a set of commitments and...

Age-Friendly Healthcare for American Indian Elders | Virtual Symposium – April 10, 2024
Join Dakota Geriatrics and the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences for a free learning opportunity for applying Age-Friendly healthcare in American Indian populations. All are welcome to join, including healthcare providers, healthcare...

National Minority Health Month: Be the Source for Better Health
April is National Minority Health Month! This annual observance builds awareness about the health disparities that persist among racial and ethnic minority and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations and encourages everyone to take action to end these...

Equity Talk: Implementing Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services | April 3, 2024
Join the April 3 Health Equity Talks Series, hosted by the Community Health Association of the Dakotas. Great Plains Quality Improvement Advisors, Alissa Wood and Lisa Thorp, will share strategies and resources to support understanding and implementation of the...

New Million Hearts® Cholesterol Management Change Package
The Million Hearts® Cholesterol Management Change Package (CMCP) was developed in partnership with the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and the American Medical Association (AMA). This change package provides clinicians in outpatient settings...

3 New Q-Tips For Your Ears Podcast Episodes | Listen Today
Looking for health care information and quality resources? We added a few more episodes to our new podcast series: Q-Tips For Your Ears. This podcast is designed for everyone – healthcare professionals, patients and family members; sharing basic healthcare information...

Time in Range: An Updated Approach for Evaluating Blood Glucose Control
Over the years there have been various methods used to measure and evaluate blood glucose for those who live with diabetes. A1C has been the most commonly used indicator for determining blood glucose control among individuals with diabetes since its discovery in the...

Get Connected. Join a Great Plains QIN Listserv
Great Plains Quality Innovation Network offers two listservs to get connected; two-way communication channels for members to ask questions, share resources and educational opportunities. Join today. Community Listserv If you are interested in healthcare, are a care...

Hintz and Wilcox Earn Positive Approach to Care® Certified Independent Trainer Status
Dementia isn’t a disease. It is a symptom of progressive brain disorders that affect cognitive function. There are 6.5 million Americans (65 and over) living with the most common form of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease. Every 65 seconds, one person in the United States...

Fostering Collaboration for Improved Patient Care: Hospital-Nursing Home Partnerships
Effective communication and collaboration stand as the linchpins in the effort to diminish rehospitalization. Research indicates that a united front involving healthcare professionals, such as physicians, hospital leadership, and administrators in assisted living or...