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Language Can Have Impact in Success of Patients Controlling Diabetes

Language Can Have Impact in Success of Patients Controlling Diabetes

Effective healthcare provider-patient communication is a central clinical function in building a therapeutic relationship between providers and their patients, which is foundation for high-quality medical care. Most often, patient dissatisfaction and complaints are...

Gaps Remain in Recommended Vaccines for Older Americans

Gaps Remain in Recommended Vaccines for Older Americans

Rates of coverage with influenza and pneumococcal vaccine are better but gaps remain. An analysis of data from the 2015 National Health Interview Survey suggests room for improvement in coverage rates. Influenza: Among adults aged 65 years and older, 69 percent had...

Did you Know….1 in 4 Adults Aged 65+ Falls Every Year?

Did you Know….1 in 4 Adults Aged 65+ Falls Every Year?

Each year, more than 1.6 million older U.S. adults go to emergency departments for fall-related injuries. Among older adults, falls are the number one cause of fractures, hospital admissions for trauma, loss of independence and injury deaths¹. Falls are costly-in...

Recommendations for Optimal Medication Use Issued

Recommendations for Optimal Medication Use Issued

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) recently provided recommendations to facilitate optimal medication use for patients in acute and ambulatory care settings as part of the Choosing Wisely® campaign. Choosing Wisely is an initiative led by the...

Addressing Patient Barriers Helps Chronic Disease Management

Addressing Patient Barriers Helps Chronic Disease Management

On June 9, PatientEngagementHIT reported that providers should identify barriers keeping their patients from achieving their wellness goals and work collaboratively with them to overcome these obstacles. Understanding what makes a patient willing to respond to...

Resident Pain Reduction: A Commitment to Care

Resident Pain Reduction: A Commitment to Care

More than 1 million Americans live in nursing homes across the nation. Great Plains Quality Innovation Network unites nursing homes in a collaborative structure to share tools, knowledge and experiences for improving resident safety and clinical processes and reducing...

Managing Alzheimer’s Hand in Hand

Managing Alzheimer’s Hand in Hand

Getting dressed, folding laundry and setting the table for dinner are everyday tasks done without much thought or effort by most. For those struggling with Alzheimer’s, these common activities can be a source of constant frustration. June is Alzheimer’s and Brain...

Quality Care: Patient vs. Provider Perspective

Quality Care: Patient vs. Provider Perspective

As with any business, patient satisfaction of the health services and resulting outcome impacts the bottom line. Policies and workflows can create efficiencies, but are they producing the results the patient expects? During the Patient-Centered Equals Quality webinar...

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