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QIO News Posts

Disparity Exists in Infectious Disease Deaths

Disparity Exists in Infectious Disease Deaths

Infectious Disease Deaths Decline, But Disparity Exists Fewer Americans are dying from infectious diseases compared to three decades ago, but the outcome gap between rural and urban areas of the country has widened, according to a new study. Deaths from infectious...

A Culture of Patient Safety

A Culture of Patient Safety

Originally published in the South Dakota Medicine Journal, April 2018 By: Stephan Schroeder, MD, CMD, CMQ Medical Director, South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care The potential for harm in medical care has been known since Hippocrates.  The principle of patient...

National Healthcare Decisions Day is April 16

National Healthcare Decisions Day is April 16

"It always seems too early, until it's too late." The National Healthcare Decisions Day Initiative is a collaborative effort of national, state and community organizations committed to engaging the public in the importance of making decisions about the care they would...

Home Health Infection Prevention Toolkit: Now Available

Home Health Infection Prevention Toolkit: Now Available

Infections in the home care setting are not uncommon, yet there are few tools and resources specifically designed for the home care professional. To help address this need and make care safer, the Great Plains Quality Innovation Network Home Health Infection...

Pass on the Salt, Say “No” to the Cookie

Pass on the Salt, Say “No” to the Cookie

Couple Benefits from Better Choices, Better Health Carol has lived with type 2 diabetes for seventeen years. She experienced various phases of the disease and managing her health was a struggle. When she learned about a chronic disease self-management program during...

One in Three Americans Face Diabetes Risk

One in Three Americans Face Diabetes Risk

The risks for developing type 2 diabetes are common lifestyle challenges faced by many Americans.   Advice on how to lose weight, eat well and stay active is everywhere.  While many believe they are on track, one in three is at risk for developing type 2 diabetes.  Of...

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