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QIO News Posts

Long-Term Care Guidance and Resources – COVID-19

Long-Term Care Guidance and Resources – COVID-19

Our team has pulled together a collection of resources/information that will help long-term care facilities better navigate this uncertain time. In addition, visit our Web site for additional news and resources related to COVID-19. Again, we thank you for your efforts...

April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day

April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day

Written by: Michelle Lauckner, RN, CADDCT, CDP, RAC-CT, IP-BC; Quality Improvement Advisor [Great Plains Quality Innovation Network] This day reminds us of the need to not only support our patients and nursing home residents in the formulating and following of Advance...

We Celebrate National Public Health Week

We Celebrate National Public Health Week

Public health is defined as the science of protecting the safety and improving the health of communities through education, policy making and research for disease and injury prevention. As we end this week in April, with much of the news focusing on COVID-19, we want...

Select IHI Open School Available [Free Through May 31, 2020]

Select IHI Open School Available [Free Through May 31, 2020]

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) Open School exists to advance quality improvement and patient safety competencies in health professionals. Open School courses are broken into digestible, 15- to 40-minute lessons. IHI is providing free access to 8 of...

April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day

POLST Conversations and Implementation: Virtual Trainings Available

Join a free Zoom session to discuss implementing Physicians Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) into your organization. Sessions will be held once per month through September. Attendance will be limited to 10 people per session, so get registered right away!...

Upcoming Events

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