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AHRQ Releases New App to Help Spanish-Speaking Patients Prepare for Medical Appointments

AHRQ Releases New App to Help Spanish-Speaking Patients Prepare for Medical Appointments

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has released a Spanish-language update to QuestionBuilder, an app intended to help patients prepare for their in-person or telehealth appointments. QuestionBuilder en español, released in conjunction with Hispanic...

Health Literacy: Clear Communication Improves Outcomes

Health Literacy: Clear Communication Improves Outcomes

Personal health literacy is when individuals have the ability to find, understand, and use information and services for health-related decisions for themselves and others. Complicated and unfamiliar words leave nearly nine out of ten American adults struggling to...

Soul Shop Training Addresses Suicidal Desperation – Trainings Postponed until May 2022

Soul Shop Training Addresses Suicidal Desperation – Trainings Postponed until May 2022

Note from Training Organizers: We wanted to reach out to you during this difficult and uncertain time as the health and safety of you, your families and the wider community is of the utmost importance. Due to the increasing urgency of the coronavirus COVID-19...

Great Plains QIN Webinar: The Pharmacist – An Invaluable Community Resource | October 19, 2021

Great Plains QIN Webinar: The Pharmacist – An Invaluable Community Resource | October 19, 2021

  October 19, 2021 | 3:00 p.m. CT Individuals experiencing acute or chronic health conditions may engage with and receive prescriptions from multiple healthcare professionals. Tracking all medication, including over-the-counter options, is essential for...

Flu and COVID-19 Vaccinations – You CAN Administer Them on the Same Day

Flu and COVID-19 Vaccinations – You CAN Administer Them on the Same Day

Flu season is right around the corner.  Flu season typically peaks between December and February because of the colder weather and change in human behavior. Health experts are urging everyone to get a Flu vaccine this year.  Due to low influenza levels last year, the...