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Building an Organizational Response to Health Disparities: Language Access Plans

Building an Organizational Response to Health Disparities: Language Access Plans

Effective communication is critical to ensuring understanding, empowering patients and providing high-quality care. A language access plan can help ensure that an organization provides high quality and appropriate language services. A language access plan can also...

Community Health Worker Program (CHW) Shows Early Success

Community Health Worker Program (CHW) Shows Early Success

Submitted by Wendy Schmidt, MBS, BAN, RN, Senior Learning and Development Specialist at Sanford Health Bismarck implemented a Community Health Worker (CHW) program in January 2021. With almost a year of experience, this role is showing early, but promising, impact on...

Best Practice Briefs: Crisis Prevention and Recovery | December & January

Best Practice Briefs: Crisis Prevention and Recovery | December & January

Real People, Real Processes, Real Success A partnership of the Great Plains Quality Innovation Network and the South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care Creating connections among community resources and healthcare facilities provides a pathway for individuals to come...

Proper Disinfection and Cleaning: A Key to Infection Control and Prevention

Proper Disinfection and Cleaning: A Key to Infection Control and Prevention

One of the greatest threats to the health of medical professionals, their patients and the public at large is the failure to properly control the spread of infection in clinical settings. Infection control is a top priority for healthcare professionals and...