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Reducing Antipsychotic Medication Use: The Resident Prioritization Tool Can Help Identify Where to Start

Reducing Antipsychotic Medication Use: The Resident Prioritization Tool Can Help Identify Where to Start

Great Plains Quality Innovation Network recently updated its Antipsychotic Reduction Resident Prioritization Tool. This tool is designed to assist an interdisciplinary team to identify where to begin a gradual dose reduction of antipsychotic medications and which...

The North Dakota State University CIRE Education Sessions: COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Strategies and Lessons Learned

The North Dakota State University CIRE Education Sessions: COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Strategies and Lessons Learned

How to Have Productive Vaccine Conversations - Moving the Needle Towards Vaccine Acceptance Vaccines, particularly the COVID-19 vaccine, can be a polarizing and uncomfortable topic. Healthcare professionals are the most reliable source for vaccine-related information...

Best Practice Brief: Valuing Diversity at Monument Health I May 24, 2022

Best Practice Brief: Valuing Diversity at Monument Health I May 24, 2022

Relentlessly Pursuing a Diverse and Inclusive Organization Trust is the foundation for every strong personal and professional relationship. Earning trust begins by seeking to understand. Monument Health offers cultural awareness education programs to provide...