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NEW Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research | Report Highlights

NEW Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research | Report Highlights

New research reported at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC®) 2022 covered the breadth of Alzheimer’s and dementia research, including the basic biology of aging and the brain, risk factors and prevention strategies, and caregiving and living...

Alzheimer’s Association – Effective Communication Strategies I September 29, 2022

Alzheimer’s Association – Effective Communication Strategies I September 29, 2022

Communication is more than just talking and listening – it’s also about sending and receiving messages through attitude, tone of voice, facial expressions and body language. As people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias progress in their journey and the...

Great Plains QIN Webinar: Removing Stumbling Blocks to Prevent Falls I September 19, 2022

Great Plains QIN Webinar: Removing Stumbling Blocks to Prevent Falls I September 19, 2022

A simple stumble or slip can result in a serious injury or even death. Individuals 65 and older are at a higher risk for injury from a fall, which most often happens at home or at a residential care facility. Encouraging participation in evidence-based programs can...