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Toolkit to Promote Safe Surgery

Toolkit to Promote Safe Surgery

AHRQ’s new Toolkit To Promote Safe Surgery helps hospitals reduce Surgical Site Infections (SSIs). Based on the experiences of frontline providers in approximately 200 hospitals that participated in a national implementation project and successfully reduced SSIs, the...

Seasons Greetings – Tips and Resources

Seasons Greetings – Tips and Resources

Our favorite season is finally here! Now is the time to enjoy time with family and friends, be grateful and reflect on what’s important in your life. While the holiday season brings joy to many, often we forget the importance of safety and health. Proper planning and...

Health Literacy Resources for Caregivers

Health Literacy Resources for Caregivers

Caregivers for older adults may have vast responsibilities, depending on the older adults’ needs. Caregivers can influence health decisions older adults make or the decisions other people make about older adults. Because of this influence and responsibility, they need...

Pressure Ulcer or Pressure Injury?

Pressure Ulcer or Pressure Injury?

  The term “pressure injury” replaces “pressure ulcer” in the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Pressure Injury Staging System {according to the NPUAP}. The change in terminology more accurately describes pressure injuries to both intact and ulcerated skin. In...

Simple Steps Can Help Prevent Colds, Flu and Other Infections

Simple Steps Can Help Prevent Colds, Flu and Other Infections

Winter is upon us and bacterial and viral infections are in the air. To help prevent individuals from staying home from work or co-workers from getting sick, wash your hands regularly! Simple right? These simple hand-washing reminders are great ideas you can implement...

Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide

Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) recently released its newly updated book, Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide—available for purchase or free download This completely updated guide on adult immunization (originally published in 2004) provides easy-to-use,...