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Study Finds Medication Assisted Treatment Under Utilized

Study Finds Medication Assisted Treatment Under Utilized

  Medication assisted treatment, or MAT, is an evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders, including opioid use disorder (OUD). OUD is a complex chronic disease of the brain, like diabetes is a chronic disease associated with the pancreas. For diabetes,...

World Sepsis Day: Stop Sepsis. Save Lives.

World Sepsis Day: Stop Sepsis. Save Lives.

World Sepsis Day is an initiative by the Global Sepsis Alliance, a non-profit charity organization with the mission to provide global leadership to reduce the worldwide burden of sepsis. World Sepsis Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight...

Putting a Spotlight on Sepsis

September is Sepsis Awareness Month. Because approximately 87 percent of sepsis cases begin in the community, All people – mothers, kids, grandparents, healthcare professionals in every area of medicine and organizations big and small are tapped to help us save lives...