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Toolkit Offers Free Resources to Improve Patient Safety

Toolkit Offers Free Resources to Improve Patient Safety

Preventable harm in healthcare is a public health crisis, with estimates placing it as a leading cause of death in the United States.1-4 Many adverse events leading to patient harm could have been prevented if appropriate safety protocols and clinical guidelines were...

Caring for People is Always the Priority

Caring for People is Always the Priority

Relating to different points of view is a valuable personal and professional skill, especially in the healthcare industry. In her 30 years of nursing, Cheri Fast, RN, BSN, WOCN, has certainly developed a strong understanding of the challenges and rewards of positive...

Norfolk Area Sepsis Community Action Team (SCAT)

Norfolk Area Sepsis Community Action Team (SCAT)

In August 2018, members of the Great Plains Quality Innovation Network (GPQIN) Nebraska team began meeting monthly with healthcare representatives from the Norfolk community to bring forward each organization's efforts related to sepsis. Self-named the Norfolk Area...