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Great Plains QIN Prepares During Transition

Great Plains QIN Prepares During Transition

The Great Plains Quality Innovation Network (QIN) remains in a transition phase as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) prepares to roll out a new set of priority healthcare aims for the Quality Improvement Organization program. As a recipient of the...

Unintended Harm from Exposure to Common Viruses

Unintended Harm from Exposure to Common Viruses

A simple touch or a laugh can be enough to spread an infectious disease and trigger a major health crisis. Exposure to common viruses is unavoidable and vaccination is the strongest form of protection for every age.  While previously common childhood diseases have...

Sepsis Champions: Making All the Difference

Sepsis Champions: Making All the Difference

September is Sepsis Awareness Month. Nikki Medalen, MS, BSN, APHN-BC; Quality Improvement Specialist in North Dakota, has been instrumental in increasing awareness of sepsis and the symptoms for early recognition. As an EMT who volunteers in her own rural community,...