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Medication Safety News Posts

Stigma, Treatment, Avoidance and Recovery in Time for South Dakota

Stigma, Treatment, Avoidance and Recovery in Time for South Dakota

A new award of $300,000 from the Health Resources and Services Administration will result in a one-year program titled START-SD: Overdose Response (START-SD-OR), which will increase access to naloxone and fentanyl test strips, provide education and training on...

NEW – Hypoglycemia Protocol and Ready-to-Use Glucagon Option

NEW – Hypoglycemia Protocol and Ready-to-Use Glucagon Option

The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists recently released a new hypoglycemia management protocol  for long-term care, including assisted living, to help reduce Emergency Department (ED) admissions and potential lengthy hospital stays for residents. Older adults...

Keep It Safe and Simple: “KISS” Your ADEs Good-Bye

Keep It Safe and Simple: “KISS” Your ADEs Good-Bye

There are several high-risk medications that can lead to an adverse drug event (ADE). The classes of medications that we need to be aware of when it comes to ADEs include anticoagulation's, opioids, antidiabetics, antipsychotics and antibiotics. High-alert medications...

September is Sepsis Awareness Month

September is Sepsis Awareness Month

Sepsis is the #1 admission and readmission diagnosis for North Dakota and South Dakota. It is important to understand how to identify and treat sepsis early. With sepsis, the chemicals from your body's own defenses trigger inflammatory responses, which can impair...

August 31 Is International Overdose Awareness Day

August 31 Is International Overdose Awareness Day

August 31 marks International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD), the world's largest annual campaign to end overdose. It's a day to remember loved ones who have died from drug overdose and acknowledge the grief of  family and friends left behind. International Overdose...

In Case You Missed It: Vaccinations in Older Adults Webinar

In Case You Missed It: Vaccinations in Older Adults Webinar

As a healthcare provider, you play a crucial role in promoting and administering immunizations for older adults. Immunizations are essential in protecting older adults from preventable diseases and improving their overall health and quality of life. Catch up on the...

Pain Management Suite of Tools | Developed by Great Plains QIN

Pain Management Suite of Tools | Developed by Great Plains QIN

There is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach for pain management. However, effective pain management is essential in improving patients' quality of life and promoting better health outcomes. Untreated or poorly managed pain can lead to chronic pain, reduced mobility,...

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