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November is C.diff Awareness Month: Prevention is Key

November is C.diff Awareness Month: Prevention is Key

November is C.diff, Awareness Month and for a good reason. 29,300 people with C. diff infection die in the United States each year. One in 11 people over age 65 diagnosed with a healthcare-associated C. diff infection die within one month. What is C. diff? | CDC C....

Customizable Teach-Back Training Toolkit Available

Customizable Teach-Back Training Toolkit Available

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) states that 40 - 80% of the medical information patients and residents are told during office visits is forgotten immediately and nearly half of the information retained is incorrect. The teach-back method is a way...

COVID-19 Therapies: Paxlovid

COVID-19 Therapies: Paxlovid

While COVID-19 vaccination continues to provide the best protection, COVID-19 therapies are widely available to help treat eligible people who do get sick and are at risk of developing severe disease. Antiviral treatments for individuals at risk for COVID-19 reduces...

#VaxUpAmerica Family Vaccine Tour I October 26, 2022

#VaxUpAmerica Family Vaccine Tour I October 26, 2022

Please join this special virtual event as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) kicks off the #VaxUpAmerica Family Vaccine Tour.  This is part of the Vaccination Weeks of Action to encourage Americans to get vaccinated as we head into the season of...

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