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Fall Into Healthy Habits: Deciding to Take ACTION

Fall Into Healthy Habits: Deciding to Take ACTION

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on our lives. For some, it is delayed medical care, isolation from friends and family, increased demands at work and home and so much more. We know we need to take care of ourselves to feel and be our best so that we can be the...

National Council for Mental Wellbeing: CLAS Standards Series

National Council for Mental Wellbeing: CLAS Standards Series

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) National Standards guide health care providers in tailoring their services so they are responsive to the health beliefs, practices and needs of diverse individuals and communities. Using the CLAS framework can...

NEW Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research | Report Highlights

NEW Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research | Report Highlights

New research reported at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC®) 2022 covered the breadth of Alzheimer’s and dementia research, including the basic biology of aging and the brain, risk factors and prevention strategies, and caregiving and living...

Removing Stumbling Blocks to Prevent Falls

Removing Stumbling Blocks to Prevent Falls

It is Falls Prevention Awareness Week. Join us and local and state partners and coalitions to raise awareness of falls prevention to reduce the risk of falls and help older adults live without the fear of falling. [symple_button...

National Rural Health Literacy Toolkit

National Rural Health Literacy Toolkit

The ability to understand and use health information can have a broad impact on the health and well-being of people in rural communities. Nearly half of North and South Dakota residents live in rural areas, which emphasizes the importance of making healthcare...

Welcome to Our Team I Tiffany James

Welcome to Our Team I Tiffany James

We are excited to introduce our newest Great Plains QIN team member; Tiffany James, who will serve as a Great Plains QIN statistician. Tiffany brings 15 years of SAS programming, database management and statistical analysis experience to our team. Her skills and...

Medicine Wheel Village Vaccination Rate Success

Medicine Wheel Village Vaccination Rate Success

Medicine Wheel Village, located on the Cheyenne River reservation, in Eagle Butte, SD, has achieved impressive success in ensuring staff and residents are up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters; currently at 100 percent. Medicine Wheel Village...

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