Best Practice Brief: Considering Tribal Culture within the Care Plan

Considering Tribal Culture within the Care Plan August 26, 2021 | 12:00 PM CT ⇒ Best Practice Briefs have been recorded and can be accessed on the South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care Web site. Families and communities commonly recognize major events or transitions based on their cultural background. These pivotal traditions and ceremonies are […]

Best Practice Brief: Spectra Support on a Case-by-Case Basis

Spectra Support on a Case-by-Case Basis September 2, 2021 | 12:00 PM CT ⇒ Best Practice Briefs have been recorded and can be accessed on the South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care Web site. Spectra Health has fully embraced its integrated model by including social services within the health care team and expectation of care […]

Collaboration: Essential for Addressing Substance Abuse and Promoting Recovery

  ⇒ Dr. Stephen Tamang – Project Recovery Presentation ⇒ Jennifer Pelster – Custer Health/Good Neighbor Project Presentation Many individuals are turning to negative coping methods in an effort to manage mental health issues triggered or aggravated by the ongoing pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collaboration among health care and community partners is an essential […]

Back to Basics: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Fall Reduction

Access the Presentation | Access the Recording → Monument Health Mobility Audit Tool → Monument Health Patient Commitment Letter The South Dakota Fall Prevention Coalition’s mission is to cultivate collaboration to reduce falls by increasing knowledge and implementing evidence-based fall prevention solutions for older adults.  Fall Prevention Awareness Week, held September 20 – 24, 2021, […]

The Pharmacist: An Invaluable Community Resource

Individuals experiencing acute or chronic health conditions may engage with and receive prescriptions from multiple healthcare professionals. Tracking all medication, including over-the-counter options, is essential for preventing adverse drug events. The local pharmacist is often the common denominator and an easily accessible resource for additional education and guidance. Community pharmacies across the Dakotas are enhancing […]

Palliative Care in the Dakotas

Access the Presentation Access the Recording Additional Resources and Handouts Resource List and Speaker Bios North Dakota Hospice or Palliative Care Flyer and Outreach Flyer South Dakota Education and Outreach Palliative Care ECHO Project South Dakota Palliative Care Video: You Are A Bridge We are fortunate to have robust and accomplished specialty palliative care programs, […]

Roundtable Discussion: Immunizations in the Dakotas

Influenza, Pneumococcal & COVID-19 Our panel of experts discussed vaccination rates, vaccine hesitancy, misinformation, social media and how to have constructive conversations. The panel  also discussed vaccine storage, how to become a vaccine provider and reviewed the utilization of the states’ Immunization Information Systems (IIS) Access the Recording The Immunization Panel: Jenny Galbraith, BA  Adult […]

Do You Have Hitchhikers in your Building? Infection Control and Prevention I September 7, 2022

Bacteria hitchhike and latch on to surfaces and hands, so reducing this risk, must be part of an organization's Infection Prevention Control program. Infections in our older adult population have high mortality rates and contaminated environmental surfaces is often a source. In this webinar, Cheri Fast will discuss the benefits of having a proactive approach […]

Removing Stumbling Blocks to Prevent Falls

A simple stumble or slip can result in a serious injury or even death. Individuals 65 and older are at a higher risk for injury from a fall, which most often happens at home or at a residential care facility. Encouraging participation in evidence-based programs can help prevent a fall by increasing balance and strength, […]

Great Plains QIN Webinar: The ABCs of ADEs | October 18, 2022

During this Webinar, Carrie Sorenson, Pharm D, addressed the terms related to drug-related harm, the scope of the problem, risk factors, prevention strategies and available resources. Access The Recording Presenter: Carrie Sorenson, PharmD | Great Plains QIN Quality Improvement Advisor Sorenson is employed by Quality Health Associates of North Dakota and serves as a Quality […]