seniors walking and laughing

Each day, individuals make important choices about their finances, health, privacy and more.

During National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW), March 6–12, 2016, non-profit organizations and government agencies can help Medicare consumers take advantage of their rights and make better and more informed choices.

Below are 5 tips to share with all Medicare consumers to help them become more engaged and informed in care decisions:

1.Know your rights. As a person with Medicare, you have certain rights and protections designed to help protect you and make sure you get the healthcare services the law says you can get.

2.Protect your identity. Identity theft happens when someone uses your personal information without your consent to commit fraud or other crimes. Keep this personal information safe:

♦ Your name
♦ Your Social Security Number (SSN)
♦ Your Medicare number (or your membership card if you’re in a Medicare Advantage or other Medicare health plan)
♦ Your credit card and bank account numbers. Get more information on how to protect yourself from identity theft.

3.Help fight Medicare fraud. Medicare fraud takes money from the Medicare program each year, which means higher health care costs for you. Learn how to report fraud.

4.Get involved with other seniors with the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP). The SMP educates and empowers people with Medicare to take an active role in detecting and preventing health care fraud and abuse.

5.Make informed choices. Each year during the fall Open Enrollment Period (October 15–December 7), review your plan to make sure it will meet your needs for the next year. If you’re not satisfied with your current plan, you can switch during the Open Enrollment Period.

Visit to learn more about the campaign.

At some point in our lives, we will all be consumers of healthcare. That is why it is important to be familiar with everyday practices that can improve safety of healthcare. It is equally important to pay attention and ask questions about care.

You can be the best advocate for yourself and your loved ones. If you want to be more connected and have accesses to resources, education and information on consumer safety topics and local initiatives, visit our Web site and join the Great Plains Learning and Action Network. We welcome your participation. Join today.