Nurse giving patient a shot in the arm

The Great Plains QIN team recently added these Vaccination resources to the COVID-19 page of our Web site; locate them on the Vaccinations tab of this page.

COVID-19 Vaccine Resources  

  • COVID-19 Vaccination Communication Toolkit — Medical centers, clinics, and clinicians can use or adapt these ready-made materials to build confidence about COVID-19 vaccination among healthcare teams and staff. This toolkit also provides resources that can be used to educate patients and answer questions about the vaccines.
  • Best Practices on Vaccine Storage and Handling – An Addendum with best practices and other resources has been added to CDC’s Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit to assist COVID-19 vaccination providers with proper storage and handling of COVID-19 vaccines and aims to help providers meet the requirements of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement. The Addendum will be updated with specific information for each COVID-19 product. You may sign up for email updates for toolkit updates.
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Training Module for HCP – A new web-on-demand module, COVID-19 Vaccine Training Module for Healthcare Providers, is now available for healthcare providers who will be administering COVID-19 vaccine. The training includes information about COVID-19 vaccine emergency use authorizations, vaccine safety, and general information about vaccine storage, handling, administration, and reporting.

Additional CDC materials about the vaccine recommendation process, vaccine safety, and the Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program:

As COVID-19 continues to disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minorities in the United States, the Office of Minority Health is focusing its efforts on raising awareness about the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine, establishing vaccine confidence and combatting vaccine hesitancy, especially among racial and ethnic minority groups.

We encourage you to download social media messages in English and Spanish to share with your audiences and promote the latest CDC recommendations, information about vaccine planning, guidance on how healthcare providers can address their patients and the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination.