by | Jun 3, 2022 | Antibiotic Stewardship, Featured, Great Plains QIN, Medication Safety, Nursing Home Quality, Opioids, Patient Safety, Quality Care Coalition
Great Plains Quality Innovation Network recently updated its Antipsychotic Reduction Resident Prioritization Tool. This tool is designed to assist an interdisciplinary team to identify where to begin a gradual dose reduction of antipsychotic medications and which...
by | May 27, 2022 | Behavioral Health Outcomes, Covid-19, Events, Featured, Great Plains QIN, Health Equity, Nursing Home Quality, Patient Safety, Quality Care Coalition
The webinar series will host national authors and researchers to train and support healthcare professionals to increase resilience, self-care, well-being and decrease burnout and the risk of the mental health conditions. Register Today! When registering you can select...
by | May 27, 2022 | Featured, Health Equity, Hospitals, Nursing Home Quality, Patient Safety, Quality Care Coalition
The purpose of this Webinar Series is to equip and enhance the skill sets of healthcare leaders in addressing their employee’s mental well-being and burnout. Register Today! When registering you can select specific dates/topics or register for the entire series....
by | May 24, 2022 | Covid-19, Featured, Great Plains QIN, Immunizations, Nursing Home Quality, Quality Care Coalition
How to Have Productive Vaccine Conversations – Moving the Needle Towards Vaccine Acceptance Vaccines, particularly the COVID-19 vaccine, can be a polarizing and uncomfortable topic. Healthcare professionals are the most reliable source for vaccine-related...
by | May 19, 2022 | Covid-19, Featured, Great Plains QIN, Hospitals, Immunizations, Nursing Home Quality, Patient Safety, Quality Care Coalition
We have launched a campaign to celebrate and recognize organizations with high staff COVID-19 booster vaccination rates throughout North Dakota and South Dakota. Organizations that meet this milestone will be provided a Staff COVID-19 Vaccination Booster Champion...
by | May 16, 2022 | Featured, Great Plains QIN, Hospitals, Nursing Home Quality, Public Observances, Quality Care Coalition
National Nurses Month (Week Three) focuses on professional development; an opportunity to focus on how you can excel and lead in your nursing career or inspire and help other nurses in their professional journey. When it comes to nursing, education does not stop when...
by | May 16, 2022 | Care Coordination, Chronic Disease Self-Management, Events, Featured, Great Plains QIN, Health Equity, Hospitals, Nursing Home Quality, Patient Safety, Quality Care Coalition
Relentlessly Pursuing a Diverse and Inclusive Organization Trust is the foundation for every strong personal and professional relationship. Earning trust begins by seeking to understand. Monument Health offers cultural awareness education programs to provide...
by | May 16, 2022 | Featured, Great Plains QIN, Immunizations, Quality Care Coalition
AgriSafe Network | Protecting the People Who Feed The World The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard for everyone, especially essential agricultural workers. The AgriSafe Network developed a Vaccine Social Media Toolkit for rural organizations and community groups,...
by | May 16, 2022 | Behavioral Health Outcomes, Covid-19, Events, Featured, Great Plains QIN, Home Health, Hospitals, Nursing Home Quality, Patient Safety, Quality Care Coalition
According to the World Health Organization, burnout is a syndrome resulting from workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It’s characterized by three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance from one’s job or...
by | May 12, 2022 | Featured, Great Plains QIN, Nursing Home Quality, Patient Safety, Quality Care Coalition
The Bismarck Tribune has partnered with local hospitals, nursing schools, long-term care and businesses to recognize nurses in the Bismarck, Mandan and the surrounding area who go above and beyond to deliver compassionate care. Access the article. This year, 68...