Deprescribing And What It Can Do For Your Residents

Deprescribing And What It Can Do For Your Residents

Deprescribing medications is being studied to help nursing home residents. A new report has provided guidance for safety by “deprescribing” the amount of drugs being administered to nursing home residents, where it is estimated half or more are prescribed...
Age Friendly Health Systems: Identifying What Matters for Older Adults

Age Friendly Health Systems: Identifying What Matters for Older Adults

According to the US Census Bureau, the US population, aged 65+, is expected to double over the next 30 years. This can impact our health systems as they struggle to provide evidence-based care practices to every older adult at every care interaction. Age Friendly...
Falls Prevention Awareness Week: Falls Are Not a Normal Part of Aging

Falls Prevention Awareness Week: Falls Are Not a Normal Part of Aging

Great Plains QIN is committed to empowering all older adults to age well and that includes avoiding falls. On September 18-22, 2023, we are partnering with the National Council on Aging (NCOA) to observe Falls Prevention Awareness Week.  Let’s work together to...
NEW – Hypoglycemia Protocol and Ready-to-Use Glucagon Option

NEW – Hypoglycemia Protocol and Ready-to-Use Glucagon Option

The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists recently released a new hypoglycemia management protocol  for long-term care, including assisted living, to help reduce Emergency Department (ED) admissions and potential lengthy hospital stays for residents. Older adults...
September Focus For Health I Strategies to Prevent Adverse Drug Events​: Now on Wednesdays  ​

September Focus For Health I Strategies to Prevent Adverse Drug Events​: Now on Wednesdays ​

We have moved our Focus 4 Health Sessions to Wednesdays at 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm CT Join our September Focus 4 Health Series: Strategies to Prevent Adverse Drug Events. During September, we will revisit the important topics of 1) Tactics to Reduce ADE’s with...
Keep It Safe and Simple: “KISS” Your ADEs Good-Bye

Keep It Safe and Simple: “KISS” Your ADEs Good-Bye

There are several high-risk medications that can lead to an adverse drug event (ADE). The classes of medications that we need to be aware of when it comes to ADEs include anticoagulation’s, opioids, antidiabetics, antipsychotics and antibiotics. High-alert...
September is Sepsis Awareness Month

September is Sepsis Awareness Month

Sepsis is the #1 admission and readmission diagnosis for North Dakota and South Dakota. It is important to understand how to identify and treat sepsis early. With sepsis, the chemicals from your body’s own defenses trigger inflammatory responses, which can...
In Case You Missed It: Vaccinations in Older Adults Webinar

In Case You Missed It: Vaccinations in Older Adults Webinar

As a healthcare provider, you play a crucial role in promoting and administering immunizations for older adults. Immunizations are essential in protecting older adults from preventable diseases and improving their overall health and quality of life. Catch up on the...