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As we continue to explore emergency department (ED) visits by individuals struggling with behavioral health concerns, we cannot miss the fact that many of these visits are related to opiate use. The research overwhelmingly supports the need to start medication interventions immediately.

CMS recently released the following podcast series that emphasizes this point and guides the listener through the next steps:

⇒ Podcast Series: Buprenorphine Initiation in the Emergency Department – Why, When, and How?

This four-part series explores the following areas:

  1. Technology
  2. Clinical Evidence
  3. Partner Networks
  4. Evidence-based approaches and leadership

Heather Wilson“Often discussion related to initiation of medication assisted therapy (MAT) is followed by response about how big or challenging a change in this area can be. However, one of the most meaningful statements I found in this series was made by Dr. Andrew Herring regarding how MAT is really a small step with big outcomes,” shared Heather Wilson; Quality Improvement Advisor with Great Plains QIN.

In the podcast Herring states, “We need motivated providers who believe in what they do, and this is just a low-hanging fruit to get people on board with this because we see such immediate and positive impacts of treatment”. He explains how introducing MAT can not only help reduce costs but also increase morale. “It really lets providers express compassion and care and feel fulfilled and meaningful in their work”.

He adds, “This is something that is literally affecting the life expectancy of American citizens and is a duty of all of us to step into the forefront and contribute in any way we can.”

Wilson concluded, “At a time where many are feeling hopeless, this feels to me like HOPE and l hope you will take the time to listen to the podcast and plan for next steps for you and your organization.”

Listen through the @QIOProgram videos YouTube playlist. The series is also available for no-cost CME credit with free registration at