ND Infection Prevention Conference for Frontline Healthcare Workers | September 2023

ND Infection Prevention Conference for Frontline Healthcare Workers | September 2023

The North Dakota Health and Human Services (HHS) is hosting a one-day Infection Prevention Conference to provide infection prevention education to all front line healthcare staff who have an interest and responsibilities related to the infection prevention field in...
C. Diff Reduction I What We Can Do

C. Diff Reduction I What We Can Do

​​C. diff is a spore-forming, Gram-positive anaerobic bacillus that is a common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.  Diseases that can result from C. diff infection (CDI) are pseudomembranous colitis, toxic megacolon, perforations of the colon, sepsis and death....
GPQIN Webinar – Diagnosis and Assessment of Urinary Tract Infections | July 25, 2023

GPQIN Webinar – Diagnosis and Assessment of Urinary Tract Infections | July 25, 2023

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) have emerged as a significant healthcare concern, causing discomfort, disrupting daily life, and posing potential complications, necessitating a deeper understanding of why they have become a pressing problem. This presentation will be...
Q-Tips For Your Ears I Five New Episodes

Q-Tips For Your Ears I Five New Episodes

Looking for health care information and quality resources? We added a few more episodes to our podcast series: Q-Tips For Your Ears. This podcast is designed for everyone – healthcare professionals, patients and family members; sharing basic healthcare information on...
Monument Health: Transitions in Care – Preventing Sepsis-Related Readmissions

Monument Health: Transitions in Care – Preventing Sepsis-Related Readmissions

Monument Health Shares Their Quality Improvement Journey A person dies from sepsis every 2 minutes.  Anyone can develop sepsis, a life-threatening, complex and challenging condition to manage. There are significant human and financial costs associated with it. Every...
Friday Focus 4 Health: March 2023 Series – Register Today!

Friday Focus 4 Health: March 2023 Series – Register Today!

The Friday Focus 4 Health March Series begins on March 10, 2023 Strategies for Opioid Misuse | 12:00 – 12:30 pm CT Clostridium Difficile Infections (CDI)  | 12:30 – 1:00 pm CT Register Today Our Friday Focus 4 Health Series is intended to jump start or...
Cheri Fast and Jessica Danko Earn CBIC Certification in Infection Control

Cheri Fast and Jessica Danko Earn CBIC Certification in Infection Control

Cheri Fast and Jessica Danko, project managers for the South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care, are among the first in the nation to be awarded the CBIC Long-Term Care Certification in Infection Control. Fast and Danko are innovative leaders in long-term care. This...
Sepsis Alliance Healthcare-Associated Infection Mini Summit | December 15, 2022

Sepsis Alliance Healthcare-Associated Infection Mini Summit | December 15, 2022

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that one in every 31 hospital patients has at least one healthcare-associated infection (HAI) each day. Like any infection, HAIs can cause sepsis. HAI prevention measures are, therefore, also sepsis...