Great Plains QIN LAN Event: Use of Pharmacogenomics as a Medication Optimization Strategy | June 18, 2024

Great Plains QIN LAN Event: Use of Pharmacogenomics as a Medication Optimization Strategy | June 18, 2024

Pharmacogenomic testing is a form of genetic testing that helps predict how an individual will respond to certain medications based on their genetic makeup. It involves analyzing variations in genes that affect drug metabolism, efficacy, and potential adverse...
The “High Utilizers”: Transforming Care for Multi-Visit Patients (MVPs)

The “High Utilizers”: Transforming Care for Multi-Visit Patients (MVPs)

Dr. Amy Boutwell developed The MVP (Multi-Visit Patient) Method after many years of assisting healthcare systems transform and improve their care delivery model and studying what worked best across a variety of settings. Per the Institute for Advancing Health Value,...
Correctional Settings and Drug-Related Risks: The ONE Program Can Help!

Correctional Settings and Drug-Related Risks: The ONE Program Can Help!

Opioid and other drug-related toxicities continue to plague us. Individuals who are or recently were incarcerated are at very high risk of drug diversion, medication nonadherence, drug misuse and overdose upon their release. The ONE (the opioid and naloxone education)...