Improving Home Health Care

We invite you to partner with us

Join Our Efforts to Improve Care and Health Outcomes

The Great Plains QIN is assisting HHAs improve cardiac care for their patients by providing training and technical assistance on successful interventions, tools, and Health Information Technology (HIT). Cardiac care of all patients will be addressed with a special focus on those with the greatest need. We are also facilitating opportunities for HHAs to improve coordination of care by collaborating with partners in their local communities.

Select any of the Initiatives below for more information and to learn how you can get involved.


Infection Prevention Toolkit

Our Infection Prevention Toolkit contains resources and best practices to help reduce Acute Care Hospitalization (ACH) or Emergency Department (ED) visits related to wound, urinary tract and respiratory infections. The Toolkit was developed to meet a gap in infection prevention resources for home health agencies, but can be utilized in all care settings.

The Toolkit also contains resources for immunizations, antibiotic stewardship, patient and family education, risk assessment and surveillance, sepsis and others. Access the Toolkit today; share with your colleagues and partners.

The Great Plains team wants to sincerely thank the Home Health Advisory Council and participating home health agencies for their assistance in developing, trialing and evaluating the Toolkit. A special thanks to the national HHQI Campaign team for their support and guidance in development and review of the toolkit.


Great Plains Quality Care Coalition

Our Vision: Through collaboration and partnership, we aspire to make healthcare in the Dakotas the best in the nation. We have partnered with committed nursing homes, community leaders and healthcare organizations to improve the care in our communities. Better together.