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QIO News Posts

Coalition Addresses Home Design and Modification Crisis

Coalition Addresses Home Design and Modification Crisis

By the end of this decade, all members of the Baby Boomer generation will be at least age 65. Remaining in their home as they age is a priority. Unfortunately, most homes lack key design elements to address mobility limitations commonly experienced by older adults....

37.2 Million Americans Are Living in Poverty

37.2 Million Americans Are Living in Poverty

There are 37.2 million Americans living in poverty, an increase of 3.3 million people since 2019. In 2020, racial and ethnic minorities continued to be disproportionately affected by poverty, with Black (19.5%) and Hispanic (17%) Americans shown to have poverty rates...

Virtual Classes Bring Services Closer to Home

Virtual Classes Bring Services Closer to Home

Submitted by Carley Swanson, RN, BSN Learning and Development Specialist for Evidence-Based Programming and Community Education at Sanford Medical Center Fargo Often times communities may find their access to certain resources are limited. Perhaps there is a desire to...

COVID-19 Care for Uninsured Individuals

COVID-19 Care for Uninsured Individuals

To help uninsured individuals find providers who may provide services at no cost, view a list of providers who have voluntarily participated in HRSA's Uninsured Program. Providers who participate in and are reimbursed from the HRSA COVID-19 Uninsured Program for...

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