Stories by Category

QIO News Posts

Virtual Training Session: Unleashing the Power of Data

In August, the national Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) Program launched a learning series focused on healthcare quality improvement. The series, titled “Sharing Knowledge, Improving Health Care,” features training sessions led by recognized experts and thought...

Call to Action: Encouraging a Healthier Lifestyle

Call to Action: Encouraging a Healthier Lifestyle

Watch this video for the United States Surgeon General's Call to Action to promote walking and 'walkable' communities to help encourage a healthier lifestyle. Regular exercise and physical activity are important to the physical and mental health of almost everyone,...

ActionToQuit Network – Stay informed about tobacco control

ActionToQuit Network – Stay informed about tobacco control

ActionToQuit is a tobacco control policy program dedicated to reducing tobacco-related death, disease and cost through communication, education and advocacy. The current tobacco control landscape is very different from years past and will likely continue to change...

Surviving Sepsis….A Patient Perspective and WebEx Opportunity

CDC’s Safe Healthcare Blog: A Healthcare Risk Manager Shares Her Advice after Personally Surviving Sepsis On CDC’s Safe Healthcare Blog, Pamela L. Popp, sepsis survivor and healthcare risk manager, shares her advice on how to implement a sepsis initiative.  While...

September is Sepsis Awareness Month

The Great Plains Quality Innovation Network would like to invite you to a one hour program on Thursday, September 10 titled: Severe Sepsis Across the Continuum of Care. The presenter is Dr. Steven Simpson, a Professor of Medicine and Acting Director of the Division of...

September is National Cholesterol Education Month

National Cholesterol Education Month raises awareness about high blood cholesterol, a serious condition that affects over 71 million Americans and increases the risk of developing heart disease. The Cholesterol Education Month observance is a chance to encourage...

Takeaways from the Healthy Aging Summit

The 2015 Healthy Aging Summit took place on July 27-28, 2015 in Washington, D.C. The Summit explored the many ways researchers, providers and stakeholder organizations are encouraging healthy lifestyles and improving the delivery of preventive services to help older...

Upcoming Events

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