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QIO News Posts

Great Plains QIN Care Coordination Team Seeks Input

Great Plains QIN Care Coordination Team Seeks Input

  Improving care coordination leads to better patient outcomes, overall satisfaction and reduces avoidable hospital admissions. Great Plains QIN has been partnering with communities throughout the region to unite stakeholders, consumers and healthcare providers...

Patient-Provider Relationships at the Front of Care Coordination

Patient-Provider Relationships at the Front of Care Coordination

On January 27, HealthIT Analytics reported that the American Hospital Association (AMA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued guidance on preventing hospital readmissions and creating a patient-centered care delivery system that...

February is American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month

American Heart Month is February; this observance honors health professionals, researchers and heart health ambassadors whose dedication to fighting heart disease enables countless Americans to live full and active lives. The observance is focused on reducing the...

CDC: FluView – Influenza is Spreading and Serious

CDC: FluView – Influenza is Spreading and Serious

According to this week's FluView report from the CDC, seasonal influenza activity increased slightly in the United States. While influenza A (H3N2) viruses have been most common since October 1, in the past three weeks, influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 viruses have...

AHRQ Offers Tools To Promote Patient Involvement

AHRQ Offers Tools To Promote Patient Involvement

    "Questions Are the Answer" Tools to Promote Patient Involvement  "Questions Are the Answer," is the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ's) ongoing public education initiative to involve patients and their families as part of their healthcare...

Knowledge + Skills + Confidence = Patient Activation

Knowledge + Skills + Confidence = Patient Activation

What would it take for consumers to become effective and informed managers of their health and health care? What skills, knowledge, beliefs, and motivations do they need to become “activated” or more effectual health care actors? The Patient Activation Measure® (PAM)...

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