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QIO News Posts

CRC Screenings and the Patient Centered Medical Home: WebEx Invite

CRC Screenings and the Patient Centered Medical Home: WebEx Invite

Registration is open for the July 28th webinar on the Patient Centered Medical Home and CRC screening. We invite you to attend! The National Colorectal Cancer Round Table (NCCRT) will be hosting a webinar on Colorectal Cancer Screening in the Patient Centered Medical...

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. NIAM was established to encourage people to make sure they are up to date on the...

North Dakota Quality Forum Highlights Healthcare Transformation

North Dakota Quality Forum Highlights Healthcare Transformation

Healthcare delivery and healthcare reimbursement are changing and transforming at a rapid rate. Hospitals, healthcare systems and physician groups must adapt to a new world in which providers are rewarded for improving health outcomes for their entire patient panel...

Successfully Transitioning to Alternative Payment Models

Successfully Transitioning to Alternative Payment Models

We all want and expect a better, smarter and healthier healthcare system. In order to achieve this, a large national initiative is underway to improve the payment structure by incentivizing quality and value over volume. This movement will impact the entire healthcare...

Care for the Caregiver: Support Line Offered by the VA

Care for the Caregiver: Support Line Offered by the VA

Caregiver Support Line 855/260-3274 Caregivers provide important physical, practical and emotional support to family members or loved ones. One of the most important—but often forgotten—tasks for caregivers is caring for themselves. A caregiver's physical, emotional,...

Medication Safety Tools and Resources

Medication Safety Tools and Resources

National estimates suggest that Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) contribute an additional $3.5 billion to United States healthcare costs. Given the United States population’s large and ever-increasing magnitude of medication exposure, the potential for harm from ADEs is a...

Colorectal Cancer Updates and News

Colorectal Cancer Updates and News

Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Screening for CRC is a substantially underused preventive health strategy in the United States. About one-third of those in the recommended age range for colon cancer screening...

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