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QIO News Posts

Patient Engagement, Education Can Improve Medication Safety

Patient Engagement, Education Can Improve Medication Safety

Providers can better detect prescribing mistakes through strong patient engagement and education, ultimately boosting medication safety, new research from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) shows. The report, which focuses...

Caregivers: You Must Make Yourself a Priority

Caregivers: You Must Make Yourself a Priority

If you are a caregiver - have you let taking care of yourself fall off the to-do list? For those who are in the role of a caregiver, it’s time to put YOU back on top! Taking care of your physical and emotional needs is one of the most important things you can do as a...

National Influenza Vaccination Week

National Influenza Vaccination Week

National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW), December 4-10, 2016, provides an opportunity to remind everyone 6 months and older that it is not too late to get a flu vaccine. There are many tools and resources to help in your efforts to share flu prevention and...

Costs to Manage Diabetes – A Life-Threatening Obstacle

Costs to Manage Diabetes – A Life-Threatening Obstacle

Insulin Cost Warrants Call for Congressional Investigation Increasing costs for medication to manage diabetes have become a life-threatening obstacle and the American Diabetes Association is calling for action. Despite advancements in manufacturing since the discovery...

National Handwashing Awareness Week

National Handwashing Awareness Week

National Handwashing Awareness Week (December 4 - 6, 2016) is dedicated to helping people remain healthy one handwash at a time. Given the prevalence of preventable Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) among individuals and their family members, this observance aims to...

Top Three Factors for Unexpected Healthcare Cost Increase in 2015

Top Three Factors for Unexpected Healthcare Cost Increase in 2015

Prescription medication, hospitalizations and emergency room visit costs showed the biggest increase in cost contributing to a 4.6% overall increase for 2015.  Health Care Cost Institute completed a data analysis from the nation’s four major insurers to investigate...

“It always seems too early, until it’s too late.”

“It always seems too early, until it’s too late.”

Having the Conversation.... It’s not easy to talk about how we want our end of life to be. However, it is one of the most important conversations you can have with your loved ones. All too often, family members are left to make choices and healthcare decisions on...

CMS Launches New Online Tool to Make Quality Payment Program Easier

CMS Launches New Online Tool to Make Quality Payment Program Easier

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released a tool to share automatically electronic data for the Medicare Quality Payment Program. This new release is the first in a series that will be part of CMS’s ongoing efforts to spur the creation...

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