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QIO News Posts

Funding Valuable Colorectal Cancer Screening Navigation

Funding Valuable Colorectal Cancer Screening Navigation

The process of receiving healthcare services can be complicated and confusing. Colorectal cancer screening often requires appointment confirmation, transportation, medication and, everyone's favorite, bowel preparation. Receiving assistance from a screening...

Jelly Beans Aid Quality Improvement Change

Jelly Beans Aid Quality Improvement Change

Small changes can have a large-scale impact on day-to-day tasks.  Horizon Health Care, Inc., a network of federally qualified health centers serving South Dakota, used jelly beans to track progress on colorectal cancer screening during each phase of their quality...

Diabetes Alert Day Toolkit Available

Diabetes Alert Day Toolkit Available

Diabetes Alert Day is March 28, 2017 The American Diabetes Association Alert Day serves as a "wake-up call” to inform the American public about the seriousness of diabetes.The goal is to encourage individuals to join the movement to Stop Diabetes® by taking the...

Passion for Colorectal Cancer Screening Displayed at Times Square

Passion for Colorectal Cancer Screening Displayed at Times Square

The excitement and activity of New York City’s Time Square was the perfect venue for gathering the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) 80% by 2018 National Achievement Award winners to celebrate their success and promote the value of colorectal cancer...

QAPI In Action:  McKenzie County Healthcare Systems Long Term Care

QAPI In Action: McKenzie County Healthcare Systems Long Term Care

According to Melodie Johnson, Director of Senior Services at McKenzie County Healthcare Systems Long Term Care, their facility had a problem that needed confronting; recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). This issue was evidenced by a CASPER Quality Measure rate...

Sharing Successes…Do You Have a Story to Share?

Sharing Successes…Do You Have a Story to Share?

Have you implemented a process that has improved patient care or staff satisfaction? Are you working towards improving resident care in your home? Have you established a partnership in your community to improve care coordination? Have you formed a quality improvement...

Identify High-Risk Patients to Impact Colorectal Cancer Screening

Identify High-Risk Patients to Impact Colorectal Cancer Screening

The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) 80% by 2018 colorectal cancer screening initiative is bringing together more than 1,000 organizations around the shared goal to get 80% of adults ages 50 or older regularly screened for colorectal cancer by...

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