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QIO News Posts

Vaccines are Important for Adults, Too

Vaccines are Important for Adults, Too

As National Immunization Awareness Month comes to a close, we want to extend our appreciation for your efforts to draw attention to the need for vaccination for all persons. The final week of August emphasizes that 'vaccines are needed for adults, too'. Often, when we...

More Than a Memory Lapse: Dementia Care Training in South Dakota

More Than a Memory Lapse: Dementia Care Training in South Dakota

Can’t find your car keys?  Forgot why you walked into a room? Realized too late you were supposed to meet a friend or colleague?  Most everyone has experienced these moments of memory lapse, especially during the back-to-school season when routines are altered and...

Ensure Your Patients are Protected from Pneumoccocal Disease

Ensure Your Patients are Protected from Pneumoccocal Disease

Pneumonia causes more than a million hospitalizations and more than 50,000 deaths each year.¹ How is your pharmacy prepared to prevent this deadly disease? Focus On Pneumococcal Vaccines for Adults is a reference resource from the American Pharmacy Association (APhA)...

Sepsis Training Modules for EMS Providers

Sepsis Training Modules for EMS Providers

  Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming response to an infection and is a medical emergency.  For every hour that sepsis goes untreated, the risk of death increases by 8%. According to the Sepsis Alliance, as many as 87% of sepsis cases originate in the community...

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