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QIO News Posts

Sepsis Alliance Releases Sepsis Caregiver Guide

Sepsis Alliance Releases Sepsis Caregiver Guide

When A Loved One Has Sepsis: A Caregiver’s Guide is a newly-released, free, downloadable resource to help friends and family support and care for loved ones with sepsis and sepsis survivors. Sepsis, the body’s life-threatening reaction to an infection, affects 1.7...

It’s That Time of Year Again

It’s That Time of Year Again

 It’s that time of year again — FLU season.As family and friends are gathering for the holidays, flu activity is increasing. Remind your patients to get a flu vaccine now if they have not gotten vaccinated yet this season.Support National Influenza...

Prediabetes…the Ticking Time Bomb

Prediabetes…the Ticking Time Bomb

  One in 3 adults in the United States—approximately 84 million—has prediabetes (a blood glucose level that is higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes with a fasting blood glucose of 100–125 mg/dL). Of those, 90% don’t know they have...

Nebraska Quality Payment Program Coalition: Part of the Solution

Nebraska Quality Payment Program Coalition: Part of the Solution

The Quality Payment Program (QPP) began in January 2017 under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.The QPP aims to improve health outcomes, promote smarter spending, minimize burden of participation and provide fairness and transparency...

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