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QIO News Posts

Faulkton Navigates the Fine Line of Antibiotic Stewardship

Faulkton Navigates the Fine Line of Antibiotic Stewardship

With each winter storm the desire for sunshine grows, but too much sun can become an equally difficult problem.  There’s a fine line between just enough and too much of even the best things. Healthcare professionals in Faulkton are working to close this gap of...

Expose Toes to Save Limbs and Prevent Complications from Diabetes

Expose Toes to Save Limbs and Prevent Complications from Diabetes

  From smooth and polished to callused and stinky, feet provide valuable insights to the health of every individual diagnosed with diabetes. High blood sugar can damage nerves in the feet and legs causing pain and numbness called neuropathy. This lack of feeling...

Deadly Staph Infections Still Threaten the U.S.

Deadly Staph Infections Still Threaten the U.S.

New report shows significant national progress is slowing, causing concern Staph infections are still a threat. Staph is found on the skin of humans and does not always cause infections.  If staph gets into the blood stream, serious infections can develop that may...

CMS Improving Nursing Home Compare

CMS Improving Nursing Home Compare

Changes offer greater support to consumers looking to compare quality of Nursing Homes The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced updates coming in April to Nursing Home Compare and the Five-Star Quality Rating System; strengthening this...

Kidney Disease: ‘The Silent Killer’

Kidney Disease: ‘The Silent Killer’

Kidney disease is often referred to as the “silent killer” and often presents no symptoms in its earliest phase. Education, awareness, lifestyle choices, and knowing what can cause kidneys to fail can make a significant difference in preventing kidney...

New Resource: Sepsis and Aging Community Education Presentation

New Resource: Sepsis and Aging Community Education Presentation

According to the Sepsis Alliance more than 80% of septic patients are older adults (50+).The Sepsis Alliance announces the release of Sepsis and Aging Community Education Presentation, a do-it-yourself (DIY) presentation toolkit to help educate older...

CMS Expands Opioid Mapping Tool

CMS Expands Opioid Mapping Tool

  Escalating use of prescription opioids for pain management has contributed to the opioid epidemic through misuse and overuse. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released an expanded version of the Opioid Prescribing Mapping Tool to ensure that...

Enter the Million Hearts™ Hypertension Challenge

Enter the Million Hearts™ Hypertension Challenge

  Submit your entry for the 2019 Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Challenge The Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Challenge is a competition to identify clinicians, practices and health systems that have demonstrated exceptional achievements in working...

A New Take on the Buddy System for a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

A New Take on the Buddy System for a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

  Strong relationships in every aspect of life have a direct impact on health. Family, friends and colleagues immediately come to mind, but many individuals forget to consider healthcare professionals as key members of their support network. These relationships...

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