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American Heart Association Grant: Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement in the Rural Midwest

American Heart Association Grant: Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement in the Rural Midwest

The American Heart Association’s mission is to be a relentless force for a world of longer healthier lives. For millions of Americans, hypertension is a significant barrier in achieving that reality for themselves and the burden of high blood pressure is not carried...

In Case you Missed It I Recording Available: Roundtable Discussion – Immunizations in the Dakotas

In Case you Missed It I Recording Available: Roundtable Discussion – Immunizations in the Dakotas

On August 16, we were fortunate to have a panel of four local experts discuss immunizations and vaccinations in our communities. The panel answered a series of questions, which included: What does data show us about immunization rates of influenza, pneumococcal and...

Alzheimer’s Association Webinar: 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s I August 30, 2022

Alzheimer’s Association Webinar: 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s I August 30, 2022

Alzheimer's and other dementias cause memory, thinking and behavior problems that interfere with daily living. Join this free virtual education program to learn how to recognize common signs of the disease; how to approach someone about memory concerns; the importance...