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Help Your Patients With Their New Year’s Resolution to Quit Smoking Or Using Nicotine
New Year’s resolutions are a fantastic way of reflecting over the past year to see what we’ve done well and what we haven’t done so well. Individuals can identify areas for growth and self-improvement and can set resolutions for the coming year that could be health...

Prioritizing Equity: Five Transformation Focus Areas
Health equity is not only a moral necessity, but also a strategic and operational must for healthcare leaders and organizations. Health equity aligns with legal and ethical obligations, enhances an organization’s reputation, contributes to the long-term success and...

Better Choices Better Health Toolkit & Implementation Guide
The purpose of this new Implementation Guide is to provide South Dakota Cardiovascular Collaborative partners with premade and brand-approved promotional social media tools and materials about Better Choices, Better Health® SD, pharmacy programs available in South...

Multi-Visit Patient Utilization State Reports
The Great Plains QIN team strives to improve healthcare quality and patient outcomes. We work with partners and community coalitions to identify areas for improvement, which include reducing avoidable hospital admissions and readmissions, and high utilizers of the...

What’s New in Advance Care Planning?
Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that involves making decisions about your future health care. ACP typically involves discussions between individuals, family members and the healthcare provider team to understand and document a person's values, preferences and...

Instead of the 12 days of Christmas…Get Ready For 8 Days of Dementia Tips
What to say when, how to positively respond to behaviors, how to join their reality, validate their feelings and then distract? This is always a challenge with persons living with dementia. Because of what is physically happening to their brain from the disease, they...

In Case You Missed It | Focus 4 Health: TeamSTEPPS®
During this Series, we discussed TeamSTEPPS, an evidenced-based set of teamwork tools that are aimed at optimizing patient outcomes by improving communication and teamwork skills among healthcare teams, including patients and family caregivers. Below are all of the...

Reducing Readmissions by Improving Communication
Research shows that many hospital readmissions are avoidable. Yet, in 2022, about 75% of hospitals still incurred readmission penalties. In 2021, only 1 in 5 Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) were awarded payments from the SNF VBP (Value-Based Purchasing) Program...

Save the Date: CMS Health Equity Conference | May 29 – 30, 2024
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced its second annual CMS Health Equity Conference on May 29-30, 2024. The free, hybrid conference will be held in person at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Bethesda, Maryland, and available online for...

Webinar: New Products for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Prevention | NDSU CIRE Program
The North Dakota Center for Immunization Research and Education (CIRE) recently hosted a Webinar, New Products for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Prevention. Monday, December 11, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. CT [button link=""...