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Authors Cite Better Health, Lower Costs

Authors Cite Better Health, Lower Costs

Researchers are documenting substantial reductions in Medicare hospitalizations, mortality and costs over a fifteen year period, based on a review of 68 million admissions of fee-for-service Medicare patients across the United States. For 2013 compared to 1999,...

ProPublica: Warfarin Causing Nursing Home Deaths, Injuries

ProPublica: Warfarin Causing Nursing Home Deaths, Injuries

The Washington Post published an article on July 13, 2015, reporting from 2011 to 2014, “at least 165 nursing home residents were hospitalized or died after errors involving Coumadin (warfarin).” ProPublica retrieved this information from government inspection...

In Appreciation and Celebration of Nurses…

In Appreciation and Celebration of Nurses…

During National Nurses Week and throughout the year, Great Plains Quality Innovation Network is proud to celebrate nurses and the vital role they play in delivering the highest level of quality care to their patients. We recognize their dedication, commitment and...

CMS Releases First Ever Hospital Compare Star Ratings

CMS Releases First Ever Hospital Compare Star Ratings

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced star ratings for the first time on Hospital Compare, the agency’s public information website, to make it easier for consumers to choose a hospital and understand the quality of care they deliver. This...