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Celebrating Caregivers…Today and Everyday!

Celebrating Caregivers…Today and Everyday!

  There are four kinds of people in the world: Those who have been caregivers; Those who currently are caregivers; Those who will be caregivers; Those who will need a caregiver. - Rosalynn Carter (Former First Lady)   There are more than 65 million Americans...

Preserve the Power of Antibiotics!

Preserve the Power of Antibiotics!

November 16-22 is National Get Smart About Antibiotics Week Antibiotic-resistant bacteria causes more than 2 million illnesses and at least 23,000 deaths each year in the United States. Antibiotic resistance occurs when germs no longer respond to the drugs designed to...

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

    Diabetes Education and Support: What's Your Role? National Diabetes Month is observed every November to draw attention to diabetes and its effects on millions of Americans. The National Diabetes Education Program’s (NDEP) 2015 theme Diabetes Education...