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National Hospital Week: May 8 – 14, 2016

National Hospital Week: May 8 – 14, 2016

National Hospital Week is a celebration of the history, technology and dedicated professionals that make the nation’s hospitals exceptional places to receive care. Sponsored by the American Hospital Association (AHA), the annual event is a time to recognize hospital...

Tips From Former Smokers Campaign

Tips From Former Smokers Campaign

  Help Patients Quit: Tips from Former Smokers Campaign   Check out the Tips from Former Smokers Campaign, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The campaign profiles real people - not actors - living with serious long-term health...

May is American Stroke Month

May is American Stroke Month

  Each year about 185,000 people die from a stroke. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in America and a leading cause of adult disability.  Yet, research shows that too few people know what a stroke is and how to recognize when a stroke is happening. May...

May 4th is National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day

May 4th is National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day

Get up & move! Research shows that changing our sedentary habits is one of the most effective ways to prevent type 2 diabetes. Get Fit Don’t Sit is all about drawing attention to the importance of getting up and moving at work and at home as part of a healthy...